Has anyone%26#039;s personality changed A LOT after going through college? I really hope mine will for the better...I%26#039;m really shy right now and I hope I can be more social and outgoing after these next 4 years. I just came back from orientation and feel slightly (very slightly) less shy since I had to talk to lots of strangers these past few days.
By the way I%26#039;m going to a college with like 25,000-30,000 people (not sure exactly how much)|||Your personality will very much so change. I changed a whole lot my first semester away. My friends from home even noticed. Generally I would say college makes you a lot more outgoing and accepting and open to things. It%26#039;s a whole new lifestyle and it is a proven study that people with a college eduaction are much more likely to be liberal than those without one (again emphasizing the more openness...)|||Yes it will, that%26#039;s the beauty about college. You get to experience so much and before you know it you start to figure out who you really are and what you want to do for a living. I am in my third year of college and I have noticed how much I have changed and look at the world. So yea, your personality is most likely going to change but it will only be for the better. Oh yea, don%26#039;t worry about being shy cause college will demolish that cause I was also shy before I entered college and now I will pretty much approach anybody.|||It did with me. I was shy and only had a few friends in hs. I still only have one really good friend but, I do find it easier to talk to people. I have also become stronger at voicing my opinon if I have something to say on a topic. If you have really good professors that challenge you to think and not care what you think but just to think then your personality will definally change a lot. I was forturat enough to have a few of these type of professors. If you get involved in an activity that will also help. You get to know those people and interact with more of the campus.|||Well going to college allowed me to discover my personality. I mean my real personality, not the personality I%26#039;ve always pretended to have. It helps you figure you out... realize who you are. Don%26#039;t mess up like me though.. don%26#039;t lose yourself...|||you%26#039;ll definitely change...good luck, have fun, and don%26#039;t drink 2 much|||Have fun in college . You will meet lots of people
some you will become friends with , and others you
will want to run and hide from when you see them
coming .
Important TIP at those party%26#039;s keep your wits about you at all times , very important this is.|||like everything else, practice makes you better at something...so practice talking to people and hanging with them.|||When college was in session i was a straight party animal. As i grew up more, i stopped partying so much and started to think of my career i wanted to.|||you can change your perssonality. some will change, some will not. Its up to the student.|||well all you have to do is is hang out with good friends to have a better additude. but to make sure your attitude doesnt go bad then dont join any sororities|||Same with me. I%26#039;m a Junior now but when i went to some orientation thing back when I was about to begin college, my parents didn%26#039;t go with me. And I knew nobody at orientation (about 6,000 newly admitted freshmen) and they didn%26#039;t know me or what kind of person i was, and i did not act shy, and now I%26#039;m a changed person. I have a whole new set of friends, and life it great now. The school I go to have around 45,000 students and the streets can get very crowded (like a NYC scene) when I go to my next class or to the library, and I doubt it%26#039;s a place for the really shy. GOOD LUCK to you!|||If you let it, college will make you less shy. You%26#039;re going to school with a lot of people, there will be many opportunities to find people to connect with. Don%26#039;t rely on fate! If you want to become more social, get involved. There%26#039;s a million clubs at universities, one of them will meet your tastes. And if you live on campus, there%26#039;s even more.|||Every major event in your life provides experiences on which your personality grows. How you interpret those events determines your positive or negative worth.