Im really curious on this one. My friend for example who i grew up with began smoking in junior highschool. I didnt know at the time but when I think about it now, he used to be very nice guy and around the time he began smoking he turned into this aggressive asshole-like but funny. Also my uncle who smoked all his life also show many similar personality feel. My theory is that smoking increases dopamine level for short time. Ive also noticed this similar type of behavior in many people who smokes. (aggressive, talkative, confident, funny, shortfused ) So my question is if you are a smoker did you change into a different person before you smoked and after ? if so how ?
For smokers, did your personality shift or change after you began smoking ?
I started smoking many years ago because my father had a terminal illness and was told it would help to calm my nerves.
I am not aggressive at all, I do talk a lot, I'm not confident, I can be very funny, I'm not short fused.
It did help me not be so nervous at the time, and in an odd way was very comforting.
Like a pacifier for grown ups.
Now I am embarrassed and ashamed that I smoke.
Others look down on you, it feels like something I need to hide. I feel like people judge your intelligence if you're a smoker.
Hope this helps answer your question somehow.
For smokers, did your personality shift or change after you began smoking ?
I was a smoker for 21 years. I've been cigarette free for 1 1/2 years now.
Did my personality change when I began? Actually I think it changed right BEFORE I started smoking. I wanted to fit in with a certain image and group of people, and I can remember actually smoking despite how badly it hurt my lungs and made me cough.
I'm not saying you're wrong about eh dopamine levels, etc. That could certainly be a factor. BUT when I first began smoking I didn't even inhale much of the tobacco until about a year later. Also, exercise and smiling and antidepressants and all kinds of other things increase our dopamine levels for short or long times....and I don't think it turns most people into aggressive asshole-like people! (LOL)
I don't think cigarettes cause the change, really. I think that a big change in your life (or WANTING) a big change in your life can make folks turn to cigarettes.
Now, on the other hand, since I've quit smoking I do notice differences. I was very agitated and easily annoyed for a long while. I was constantly craving and missing the cigs. I was angry that I had to quit and jealous of smokers. I thought about them obsessively. Still do sometimes!
You know what? The first cigarette quitting pill they came out with (in my memory) was actually Wellbutrin, an antidepressant. So there is something to think about.
No matter what, there is something that makes a person smoke, and there is something ELSE that makes a person stay a smoker. I don't think the first time anyone smokes they love it, or enjoy it. So look at your friend's lifestyle. Maybe he/she is really needing a good friend like you! Maybe they could use some counseling. I'd tell them to quit now before the nicotine addiction gets bad!
My friend cannot concentrate on several things at once and he cannot run as long as he used to, after he started. I would not recommend smoking, I strongly condem it.
Yes, more outgoing, confident, fun. And euphoric, you're always a bit buzzed. I don't remember getting short fused, except when I couldn't have a cigarette -- one of the symptoms of withdrawal is that you lash out at people.