Friday, 16 September 2011

How do you control your emotions at work?

I tend to be very sensitive and nervous and I get angry with myself because I cannot hide this. I have a hard time relaxing. I know that you can't change your personality over night, but what steps can I take to reign them in and be more in control?
How do you control your emotions at work?
It probably will help if you try to understand why you are sensitive and nervous. Be honest with yourself. No rationalizations please. Anger is non productive. What happens on your job that stimulates your defensiveness? Insecurity is usually the big culprit. If an event that might make you angry takes place, just stop and look at what you fear. You'll improve, and eventually be able to be accepting.
How do you control your emotions at work?
you so just described me. I have cried so much at work but you just have to stop and tell yourself that being too emotional is not professional and just worry about your problems later on your own free time. just do your work and throw the drama away. I know its hard
Take a meditation class and meditate on a regular basis. Give yourself an extra 20 minutes in the morning to do so. It works.
I used to, and sometimes still do, have the same problem. I have always been a very sensitive, cry easily, person. When I would get confronted or scolded slightly at work, or even just get frustrated with a client, I would have to choke back my tears.

I found 2 things worked to help me control it....... 1) time. Getting used to your coworkers, clients, and their typical ways of interacting with you and others can help you interpret their behavior better. When they get snappy, you might then recognize that it's not a fault of your own but just their way of doing things.

2) practice relaxing. Take deep breaths, tune out what people are saying for a few seconds, look away, count to ten, walk away - whatever it takes for you to momentarily regain that control.

I hope you find this helpful.
You didn't mention what it is that you get angry about. If it is with co-workers, don't let them get to you. When you start to get impatient, think about the fact that you don't have to be friends with them and you don't even have to like them - you only need to be professional toward them. If it's the boss, there are bone-heads in every profession. However, he/she is the boss and you need to treat them with respect (even if you do not respect them). Realize that the reason you are there is to earn a paycheck to provide a better life for yourself (and family if you have a family). Work does not define who you are, it's just something you do. Do your best, be professional and don't get emotional over it. You will only aggravate yourself - nobody else will care that you are mad.
First, think about all the things that make you feel that way, then, think about what it is that makes you feel that way about them. If you have some close friends, you could try rope playing some of the scenes that make you start to lose control. Also, do some meditation more often. When you have a break, go to a quiet place and breathe. When you become more aware about things, you can tell when your feelings are starting to get out of control again, and you can practice ways to help keep them under control. {Hope I was help!}
If you are new to the work world your response is probably normal. Learning to relax with ourselves and others comes with continued exposure. If it is causing you to feel bad about yourself as a person - it's best to speak with a professional counselor. Just a couple of sessions can work miracles.
I'm a very emotional person too. I've had to prioritize things that happen. What can I do about a particular issue? If it's beyond my control, I try to put it on the back burner. Choose your battles carefully. When you go home, punch a pillow or take a long walk. Whatever you do to work off feelings of frustration and anger. Most things at work arent worth getting too deeply involved in. Be glad you're sensitive but dont let it rule your life.
breath in and out clear your mind and consentrat on your work
LOL...sometimes I wonder if people will figure out I don't know as much as they think I do. That makes me nervous, and compounds my insecurity.
so maybe what you need is to learn professional skills, that will help you to build confidence, and really benefit your work performance. Try to ask other co-workers, and learn from them, give yourself a timetable, let's say, 1 years to learn basic skills for your current job, don't be afraid to ask others.

then between 1~2 years, you need to learn problem-solving skills, during this time period, you try to solve things on your own.

I believe it will help you a lot
They key I've found is

Key: Distance yourself mentally and emotionally, esp.from the people who cause the most problems ie boss ect.

How To: If you tell yourself that what others say, act, do, or feel is not really that important. You will find you will not react.

But you have to meditate on not caring so much. (practice makes perfect here)There is lies your problems......

Focus on this one thing and you'll see an improvement, it works for me all the time. I work in customer service and people are ALWAYS yelling at me but I know that at the end of the day it okay it just a job. They don't matter that much. But how I act does matter! Remember what really matters....