I'm a 15 year old guy, but I'm really nothing I want to be. I really like girls, but I also get feelings for guys. However, I don't think I'm bisexual or even gay, as I have found my reasons to why I get feelings for guys.
I'm not especially feminin, but as a guy, I don't feel that I am masculin enough.
So heres the issue. I know that in order to change your personality, you need to change your thoughts and feelings. I know how to change my thoughts daily, thats easy, but theres always this feeling of uncomfortableness. And I feel wierd...like its not complete. Its like the new principles and ideas Im trying to get into my life aren't coming in. How do you change your emotions?
Also, growing up, I never really had a strong male role model (i completely hated and was really far away from my dad) and I grew up with alot of women. My first %26quot;role model%26quot; (as in i wanted to be famous and stuff) (which really plays a role in your life) was a girl (a performer, I wont say who, but its a pop star) (I was stupid then..and only trusted girls cuz I didnt have the best experieince with other guys my age). I also had noone to guide me, and I would always get made fun by other guys. That's why, I just feel more comfortable with other girls, and I get feelings for guys because it seems like I dont know them. I think that is the root cause of my homo feelings. I think it's time to change now. Does anyone know how I can change these feelings, knowing my past?
How do you change your feelings?
You are at a really tough age. You are having feelings and thoughts that you dont know what to do with. If you get anything out of this age, just know that you should always feel free to be yourself. Dont change cause you feel like you should or you are not supposed to be a certain way. Your thoughts and feelings are yours.... and your personality is yours... why do you want to change them???
It makes sense that you feel more comfortable around girls. Is there a male teacher that you feel comfortable around? Spend time with him and allow him to kinda be a mentor... but you need to figure out who you are and embrace who you are.... you can not really change your feelings and emotions.... you can just make them less intense and learn how to react to them.
Again this is a tough age.... you will learn a lot about yourself in the next 5 years.... being a good person who is successful and happy is most important.!