Saturday, 24 September 2011

How can I stop being so negative?

I constantly complain and feel I need to gossip and put others down. I am always saying things I shouldn't. You will say think positive, but how do you do that? My mother is a very negative person and I don't want to be that way anymore. Please, I just wish I could snap my fingers and change, but it is so hard to change your personality.
How can I stop being so negative?
Your last sentence is the most import...

%26quot;but it is so hard to change your personality%26quot; We all would like to have that Genie power of snapping out fingers...Not gonna happen.

However, if you want to change badly enough and are willing to work hard, you can do it. I did and other before me and after me have.

Think about the pleasant, nice things in life. Make a list ..count you blessings. Surround yourself with positive people. Do not read the news.....just kidding, even though the new is based on gore and negativism.

Quit gossiping and hanging around those that do. Pick positive friends. Oops I said that. I must think that is an important one.

Listen to positive music, read positive books and stories.

Remember you got the way you are over a great number of years. Change is not an overnight event. If you are willing you can do it. Take little steps and respect yourself for your courage and every instance when you chose positive or negative, a smile instead of a frown.
How can I stop being so negative?
focus on the good things in your life
if its really that hard see a nuero MD they have al ways of seeing whats really going on
If you know the trait of positives then you can change from being a negative person.
You have to reprogram your mind.

Your mind is like a computer.

Garbage in..garbage out

Search on Yahoo

%26quot;Positive Affirmations%26quot; ( with the quotes around both words)

and do them daily..til they take root. Then do more.

Remember: YOU ARE what you think.

If you want to be down, youre wish is your command.

Youre like a magnet and what you think is what is attracted to you.

Really get into seeing what a great opportunity this is for you, and you'll get excited about it.

Rent the movie %26quot; The Secret%26quot;

PS. Dont let your mind say %26quot; youre just lying to yourself%26quot; thats part of your negative nature. Say I am turning into a great new person..shut up.
try to find the bright side of things. Like, yes this is a horrible situation, but its ok because... then u search for a positive. Some ppl find it quickly, others don't. Also, it helps to have a little mental filter in your mind, to keep you from saying things u shouldn't. that's prolly the hardest, i'm still trying to work on mine, cuz i usually say the first thing that comes to my mind, a third of the time i don't even think about it. Anyways, as for the putting others down. you need to find your own confidence, and not a the expense of other's feelings. Cuz, when you do that, it still leaves u empty inside, doesn't it? You have to look inside of yourself and find things you are good at. Leave the little people alone. ^_^ good luck changing... it isn't an instant thing btw it takes time, like EVERYTHING else. *sighs*
I can tell you that being around someone who is negative and complains and gossips and puts other down is exhausting. I stopped going into the teacher's lounge one semester because when I went I felt so down and upset because they sucked me into feeling like they did. When I found somewhere else to go, I could face my day as it came, the bad and the good.

All you can do is to bite your tongue when you start to say something negative. You can stay away from the people you gossip with. You have to listen to yourself and hear what you are saying. You don't have to get all positive and happy, just stop being all negative and complaining.

If you are a news junkie, stop watching for a few days. That'll brighten your mood. When your mother starts talking negatively, just go into another room. You don't have to be her. Try reading some funny comics or a cheerful book. Look around your room and find one thing you really like about it. Don't put yourself down. You've got to listen to the messages that you are giving yourself and try to stop them at least some of the time.

Remember, first you behave and then you become. You can stop being a gossip by not telling or listening to gossip. Soon, it will be automatic. You can stop blurting out things you say by thinking for a second before you start or stopping yourself in the middle if you catch yourself.
You're already on your way by addressing the issue. Change may not happen overnight, but it will when you stay on it. Some say that people never change, but they do if they want to. And life changes drastically and beautifully when you realize the amazing benefits of changing how you see and do things.
You're right it is hard to change. You must work hard at it to make it work. My Mother has a way of being negative, so I know how it is. When I find myself being negative I focus on anything that makes me happy. Then I find the good in the situation. There is good in everything. Instead of gossiping try to talk about your favorite book or t.v. show. Things like that so you have a better topic to share with others. Hope this will help you. Don't worry if it takes awhile, I still slip up. No one is perfect, so smile and do your best.