Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Who do you idealize have you looked up to in the past?does your personality match your old desires?

Did you become who you longed to be? If so is it what you wanted? (you can always start over and change your goal) Even if you have to move the past is just that, the past, and I now choose to create a new one. See how easy that it!! Ok so for all you correct type peolpe go ahead and trash me its all good. Your just the fuel that keeps this alive anyway, and nothing anyone really says would even get a real laugh because everythings fake right??? Peace
Who do you idealize have you looked up to in the past?does your personality match your old desires?
everything isn't fake....and idk about the past. it's over and we should move on, from the good and bad. but it's hard. and no i am not who i want to be. partly because i have no goal of who/what i want to be. live life. it will give you good then kill you by taking it away. and in the end we really do die. unless of course we are taken to heaven to live another dream....but life is life and it is kind of sucking for me right now.
Who do you idealize have you looked up to in the past?does your personality match your old desires?
Yes, I am who I wanted to be. Well, I'm on the right road, at least.

Each time my mood changes, I am who I want to be. That's because I worked towards it. If I just stayed on the same road I was on when I was younger, I would be very disappointed in myself. Mostly because it wouldn't be who I am inside.