people tell me I have the wrong attitude I'm too cynical or depressing or whatever but I have to ask, how do you go about changing your attitude? isn't that like asking someone to change their personality? is this even possible, if so please explain how.
How exactly do you change your attitude?
for starters, you have to want to change your attitude. if you're happy with yourself, then there's no need. If, however, you see what people are saying and do believe that you're a bit cynical and are unhappy with yourself, then how about you start by thinking what you'd like to change. and think about why you have the attitude you've got. you weren't born that way, things and people have obviously contributed to making you the way you are. if you can isolate people or situations that you feel contributed to this, then acknowledge them and then let them go. it's not easy to change your attitude (but it can be changed), you have to work at it every day. Try and view your glass as half full, not half empty. See the up side of situations and if you can't do that, then just let the situation go, don't waste your time being cynical about it, just move on. But don't become a bleeding heart optimist, you can still be yourself, just a more up beat version of yourself. Try and see things in a different light. It'll be a weight off your shoulders. You can practice doing this until it becomes second nature. Every time something happens that you find you'd normally be cynical about or would get you down or make you mad, make a conscious decision to try and find a positive side of the situation. And tell the people who are telling you that you're too cynical and depressing that if they were a little more fun to be around you'd be a whole lot happier!
How exactly do you change your attitude?
Can't touch that.
get laid
only u can change your attitude.
just be who you want to be, if you want to have a good time then dont let your doubts and fears stop you, be true to you.
You can't, you can fake a personality though...
f$#@ people... you shouldn't change ur attitude for no one, always be ur self,
there is a person to fit every place, and a place to fit every person
You're right the attitude is something that cant be adjusted.
Everybody is unique in their own way. If your attitude is causing problems to someone else's life then it is termed as a bad attitude, if not live your life giving a blank response to those who criticize you about your attitude.
Well, on the other hand if you think that you require a change in the way you look at things, then start observing more, start talking less and help unconditionally. It might take some time, but when you truly enjoy it, it wont matter to you anymore.
That way not only your attitude, your whole personality gets a make over.
Your attitude isn't always put down to being your personality, of course you can change a cynical attitude or depressing one.....negative thinking is changed with positive thinking , your thoughts, CHANGE them everytime you have a negative one, break the thought down and see how it would be if you changed it to be posiive...
there is no such thing a changing yourself/ your attitude. You can just be toned down a little. by practicing self control. but you cannot be changed totally.
born again. reflect reflect reflect.
we got the same problem. people always complain of my attitude, they say i'm pessimist and i hurt people by my sarcastic remarks. i am trying to change by listening to them and not getting mad when they do criticize me even though i'm feeling misunderstood everytime they do that. i take it one day at a time, take into consideration their suggestion. what i do and it is effective for me, is that i think twice before i say something, though sometimes i end up shutting my mouth, but hey, it works!