Friday, 16 September 2011

LGBTQ: If the person you liked asked you to change your look, would you?

Here's the situation: He (genderless) says that he will go out with you no matter what you look like, because he likes your personality and attitude.

However, he would really like for you to change your hair and clothing style, and to wear more (or different) make-up. Given no financial issues, would you change how you look?

For the lesbians, bisexuals, and straight guys, you can change %26quot;he%26quot; to %26quot;she.%26quot;
LGBTQ: If the person you liked asked you to change your look, would you?
Yes, I would and have. It's a little bit controlling but I've done it and had it done. Some gentle pushes or nudges don't hurt.

Better than looking like a blob pr having no style.

Dress is important. As is confidence.

I meet people all the time who are single and just want to tell them, dude, trim your eyebrows, or woman, wear some makeup and nice clothes.
LGBTQ: If the person you liked asked you to change your look, would you?
hell no. i am me and if they dont like that then i hope the door doesnt kick them in the *** on the way out
Probably not. I am me and should not have to change. If they're really worth it, they won't care.
Well I really dress in all styles depending on what the weather is like

so sure I guess

unless he wants me to look uglier than usual


It depends. Do I like the new look, and how much do I love her?

If the new look is cool and I really love her, then I would.
nope I'm me and if you don't like it that sucks for you
if i liked the style he was trying to get me to go for.
Maybe a little. But I wouldn't go buy all new clothes.
ahhh! i feel so stupid for actually doing this. i have actually done this quite a few times... i've done really radical cahnges to myself, and even one time start throwing up and now even stuck with these insecurities.

dont do it

if (genderless) likes you, (genderless) will accept you he way you are.
NO! He should love you the way you look! But in your situation, probably.
Nope, I don't change for anybody.
No.... I would just stay they way that i am. You should think that you look pretty too. everyone should feel that way Even when a %26quot; crush %26quot; says you should change your look.

If she really liked you, she wouldn't.
Depends on the suggestion. I might take the tip, if I like their idea I'll go for it, if not then no, simple as that.
Well for me, I am transgender and when I told my boyfriend he was totally into it. He is bisexual and he told me he would love to see me in women's clothes and make up and so it was an easy transition for me that way. But even if I was not trans I would wear whatever he wanted me to, cause I like when he comments on how good I look, and its more fun too!