for me i have never really been caring or nurturing to anyone so its nice to see i had it in me. i find myself saying really sappy crap to my baby and crying at the thought of her. she's only 2 months old so maybe its hormonal i dunno. of course theres things that have changed about me i am not so happy with. my common sense seems to have left me... i was very VERY laid back before and now i am alot more worried about stuff that is unlikely to happen.but i do consider what i will say more seriously. i am more considerate.
how bout you girls/guys?
How has having a child changed your personality?
Wow...has my personality EVER changed since having a baby. Like CRAZY. Before I got pregnant I was a crazy person. I would do anything. I did reckless things without a thought. I loved to party and struggled with some pretty serious addictions.
Then BAM I got pregnant.
After my baby was born I was a totally different person. I'm so concerned about her well being, my fiance's health and well being and my own health. I never treated my body good. I ate tons of junk. Now I'm sooo health conscious. I worry all the time about my daughter and fiance. Before I could care less what he was up too really. In fact I was more reckless then him alot of times.
Whatever the personality change was though, its for the best. Both my partner and I are much better people for having our daughter. I think im more thoughtful to others, more patient and more polite. I feel I love others more honestly and openly cause I'm not trying to be someone who I'm not. I think before I got pregnant I didn't know who I was. Now I'm so fricken happy with life its unbelievable.
Im definatly more cautious about my friend choices and who I allow to be in our lives as well. Before I just would hang out with however. After having her I definatly have less friends. The thing is the ones I do have are the ones I feel truley are positive people who support my relationship with my fiance and with my child.
I think part of the change is that your just forced to mature when you have kids. I was being immature and selfish before I had her. Now Im responisble for a family. :)
EDIT: I also hated kids before I had my daughter and SWORE I would never be a mom. Now Im a sap. I cried when I held my friends newborn. I NEVER would of even held someone elses baby before cause I could of cared less. lol.
How has having a child changed your personality?
I am more afraid of being hurt physically, because I would not be able to take care of my youngins' properly then.
I am more tolerant, because I have a high-needs child now.
I have changed a lot by having children. I never liked kids before I had my own. Now I hate everyone elses kids, but I still love my own. I think I have developed an entirely new level of stress that did not exist before.
More careful and unselfish. I worry CONSTANTLY now too!
i havent even had mine yet and im changing im looking at all the people in my life and decideing who i dont want around the baby ...friends i have that just shoudnt be around babys ....and im already thinking about things that could hurt her ... i told my bf no to a puppy cause i was afriad something would happen lol i told him we could get a puppy when the baby was a little over a hoping all of my nit pickyness slows down after the babys born but till then i have no idea if will or not
I wasn't particularly caring or nurturing to anyone either until I became a mom. And then I became fiercely protective, putting their needs before mine with an openess I didn't know was in me.
My family say I got very calm and laid back. A lot of it is hormonal, you'll start feeling more normal when she's about 6 months.
the only thing about my personality that has changed is my risk taking. I never thought that I would change my ways for anyone! Then I had my daughter! Now i want to have a long healthy life so that I can watch her grow!
I dont know....
Sadly, I think I am more irratable now. With people in general. You know, the idiot in the road you cuts you off, or is tail gating. I have a baby on board sign for a reason.
Last night some kids threw a cup in the movie theater and almost hit me and my baby...oh buddy did I come unglued or what. They ran and hid in another theater. Lucky I didnt see what they were wearing.
And I am so mad at people who hold my baby and...
1. dont give him attention. like talk to him and stuff when he is alert. he loves people to talk to him. he tries to talk back. hes just like his momma.
2. hold him so his chin is pretty much on his chest. i can't breath good like that so I dont blame him for getting fussy.
But thank goodness along with the irratability came an unwavering amount of patience.
It's the reason I havent killed anyone. lol.
He doesnt sleep very well yet. (of course) And so, I do pretty good with staying up from 5am-8am when he wants to play. He goes to sleep about 830until 11 or so. His smiles make it all worth it.