i am havig thoughts about the culture clash when I was out with my date, she was latina, people would make rude comments, but i don't know if they were racist if there are certain ways i should act to be more 'culturally aware' around the latins, I mean I donnt know exactly what Im supposed to do, I know spanish and i have darker skin,,so sometimes i can pass as a spainard, It seems they treat me a lot better when I role play in this way, I wear differnt clothes, change my sense of humor, no sarcasm, more cuteness, and 'macho' humor, latinos don't get sarcasm mor self loathing humor for some reason, and i will kiss all the women i greet take a phony interset in soccer
has anyone been in a cross cultural relationship,,how much should you be expected to change your personality to please other people
Do you think Latino men treat their women better,,,more gentlemanly?
who cares what others think, be yourself!
also whoever you date can't except that, than move on
latinos have a stereotype of being macho etc, but it doesn't mean they're all like that either...
Do you think Latino men treat their women better,,,more gentlemanly?
No, I don't think they do.
well Latino men do seem more romantic and flirts.
Just my opinion but people think the same for me too but because I have been around alot of them I began to pick up an accent so then I look and sound like one. So if you hang out with a lot of them you will get that anyway. But be yourself why change?
Would you act that way around her family too?
To poster number 4 and counting me starting from the top.....he is a gentleman which is awesome and I was never raised that way either but whats wrong with cleaning and cooking?....ok I am old fashion maybe but I would be fine with that. (yes a flaw)
I love Chicano boys!!! HOT! but...... I have realized their culture treats women like S*!# Out of all the guys I know,.... the Mexican, hispanic, latino, spanish men all treat their women HORRIBLE. They cheat, and they usually end up being abusive. My best friend is Chicano and he says it's poison in their blood. :) It sucks for me because these are the hottest guys!
I don't think so. I'm married to one, he was very gentlemanly before I married him though! To a certain extent, yes, I've conformed to his way of doing things a LOT! I was expected to learn Spanish, cook Mexican food, and shoulder most, if not all of the housework. Don't get me wrong, he's a good person. He was just raised believing that it's supposed to be this way. I wasn't.
I don't think any culture treats any one better as a whole. Each person is an individual.