Friday, 7 October 2011

Does your opinion on someone change if they allow thier environment to have a full affect on thier personality?

I know that there are circumstances where its almost impossible to NOT allow thier entire personality%26amp;attitude to be altered by thier environment, its a natural thing in some cases.

But my question to you is, when you notice someone's personality and/or attitude is fully changed from how they originally act due to thier environment does your opinion of him/her change?, is it for better or for worse?

And answer this:

Do you find it difficult to not allow YOUR environment to fully affect the way you are?
Does your opinion on someone change if they allow thier environment to have a full affect on thier personality?
It really bugs me, especially when i've known the person for a long time and suddenly they decide to change because of a change in people or environment. I feel like they're betraying the person I always knew, which is probably their true self (since all my friends grew up in the same town as me and being someone else would make them fake).

I guess it really depends on how much they change. Like if they suddenly change hobbies, clothing style, and personality, then I lose all respect for that person. But if they just become more outgoing than usual to make friends, I guess that isn't a bad thing (though it would still be strange to see a shy friend to suddenly become outgoing).

I don't think i'd change if I were to be in a different environment. Then again, I wouldn't know since i've always lived in the same town, and when I travel i'm still with people I know so i'm always myself around them.
Does your opinion on someone change if they allow thier environment to have a full affect on thier personality?
If someone conforms completely to their environment, they are doing nothing to change it.
I can say, I haven't moved physically.. I've lived in my house for a year now. My last roommates saw more of the real me, someone who likes to go out, have fun and be rebellious. Suddenly I got all new roommates, in my house still, and I am a new, more mature person. They destroy the house, and smoke up inside all the time, and leave huge messes. After being around this I am no longer a party animal myself, in fact I avoid parties and hate drugs because of my new environment.

To answer your question, I've noticed changes in my friends too when they have a new environment. I don't think any less of them. Sometimes I'm glad they made the change, and sometimes they change for the worse. Are they making themselves happier, and healthier?