Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Need an advice!!!!!!!!!!?

Ok i don't know what is wrong with me or is it just my imagination. My friends always get a boyfriend and then dump him and get a new one and dump him too and so on. When they are dating they always ask me who should they choose and should they break up with their boyfriend? But I'm the only one of them that hasn't had a boyfriend in a very long time. I'm just an average middle school girl, not fat and not too skinny, not ugly and not beautifull, not too popular but i have lots of friend. I can feel that lots of guys like me I like some of them too but they would never ask me out. Is all that a good thing or a bad thing am i always gonna be a friend that gives advice on how to build a relationship but never have one myself? I need some advice what should i do? And don't say like turn into a ho or change your hair color or change your personality because i want people like me for who I am
Need an advice!!!!!!!!!!?
maybe u just havent found a guy u really like, wait some time eventually youll find a guy u really like aned if he doesnt ask u out the you be the bold one and ask him out, u might just be a tad shy.
Need an advice!!!!!!!!!!?
maybe ask the guy out you never know what he would say ;)
just get urself out there, start dating, ask those guys who like you on a date

make urself known and speak ur mind

dont be shy

stand out
Well first thing you should do is that change your attitude or behavior, don't always act like well-wisher, try and look for your love. As you said that there are some guys to whom you have a crush.

Its not important that the other person loves you or not, what matters is that you love him. Try to express your love with him,share your thoughts it will help you a lot to find your prince.

If there is anyone very close to you and you love him badly then you should go ahead and propose him.

Change your lifestyle.Best of luck !
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