If you get damage in the orbifrontal cortex following a blow to your forehead, it's been noted that impulsive and hostility arise. This means that your personality has changed following brain damage.
If your brain controls things such as personality and thought, how can this organic substance known as the brain decide whether your eternal soul goes to hell or not?
If your soul is not your brain, why do the decisions you make with your brain determine your souls outcome?
Soul creates a link between the spritual world and our physical body. Sometimes the Satanic temptations deceive you and you let your brain go after it. Sometimes it's the angels and the voice within your soul that tells you to do something and again you let it into your brain.
If your soul is not your brain, why do the decisions you make with your brain determine your souls outcome?
if you have a disability then you shall be parting in Gods eye..
If your soul is not your brain, why do the decisions you make with your brain determine your souls outcome?
We are a summation of the body mind and Spirit ,no one part exists without the other and God leads to life while the flesh is already dead!
Not sure you can separate yourself into little parts like that - you're one complete package.
Also, God is just, so if some bad decisions you make are actually not your fault (ie due to brain damage) he'll know that and deal with it appropriately.
Also, our eternal destiny is not based on what we do but our relationship with God and what Jesus has already done. If you're trusting in Jesus death to pay for the wrong things you do, then you're ok!
The body and mind are so complex and psychologists and
brain biochemists are finding out more and more new
things simply all the time. If you want to call things
serendipity, destiny, coincidence, God or all of them,
just because there's damage to part of the brain doesn't
mean much. For one thing, amazing healings have
taken place. For another, sometimes other parts of
the brain simply 'take over' functions. And then, if
there is damage and the person does act out, then
someone might be sent to help the person know how
to cope and to explain to those around how to
deal with the person. The bible says 'where little is
given, little is required' and where 'much is given,
much is required'. The exciting thing I find is
that God is Just, and thus I can trust Him,
and if you believe in God, then so can you.
Because the brain is like the control and decision tower of you as a soul. The brain does not decide where we go when we die, God does. He makes the decision, not on what is in a persons brain but, on what in a persons heart. When we die we all go to the grave no matter what we decided with our brains. Your life as a soul is determined by God not you. You can, though, make your chance of living again very likely if you use both your heart and mind in a way that pleases God.