Be forwarned that you should not even attempt to answer these if you have not seen the full series because these questions do contain spoilers.
1. Why did Lucy kill the director's son if he wanted to mate with her and create a new world of diclonius? I thought that was what she wanted all along?
2. Was there some kind of statement in the anime which told you what happens when a diclonius has it's horn taken off?
3. Did the new prosthetics added to that ruthless soldier (the one who wears shades and hates the diclonius) make him superhuman or was he already like that since when he acquired the new prosthetics, he seemed to be jumping around like spiderman a lot more?
4. I don't get it, was Nana really Kurama's daghter or was he just acting as a father figure toward her to keep her state of mind stable? So was his daughter really the most powerful diclonius(Can't remember the name)
5. Did Kurama commit suicide with his daughter in the end of the anime because he had took the lives of other people's children which were diclonius in the past but he never had the heart to kill his own so he felt selfish? And did he kill himself as well as his daughter because he felt too selfish to stay alive?
6. What was your most disturbing/difficult to watch scene? Mine was when the boys were bashing the puppy to death, I found that really hard to watch but I did. In fact any scene where Mayu's(I think that's her name, I mean that runaway girl) puppy was in danger or any scene where those boys were abusing Lucy was really difficult to watch, but I did.
7. What does Lucy and Khotda kissing those blank dummies in the intro symbolise?
8. Did you cry at any scenes in this? If so, what were they and how sad would you rate them on a scale of 1 - 10? 1 being the least saddest and 10 being the most saddest.
9. I know it's just an anime but don't you think it's strange how the diclonius in this anime have been isolated all their life with no education and can actually verbally construct a sentence when talking to someone?
10. What happened to that man that I mentioned in question 3 at the end of the anime?
11. Why did Lucy have that helmet on at the start of the anime? It's a wonder, especially since the other diclonius didn't have any on?
12. How were the director of the diclonius facility and his son watered down diclonius'? Did they only have slight traces of diclonius DNA inide them when they were born?
13. What happened to Mayu's(runaway girl) original father?
14. What happened to Lucy in the scene when the soldiers started to shoot at her offscreen and her other horn came off in the final episode?
15. This is possibly my biggest query; I just didn't get the ending. What happened to Lucy in the scene where the soldiers shot at her and her horn was shot off in the final episode? Why did the clock start working when the silhouette appeared at the entrance of the house and was that silhouette Lucy? How did she survive when the soldiers shot her horn off? Can't the diclonius not use their vectors when they're in pain and getting her horn shot off would hurt like hell since I think she was knocked unconscious when she got her first one taken off!?
16. Why did she go to the soldiers near the end of the final episode when she could have easily escaped with Khotda ?
17. Did this anime deeply touch your heart, change your personality and give you a whole new perspective on life? What would you give it out of 10 and give it a small review please?
Than you very much for answering these questions!
I have finally watched all of Elfen Lied, now I have some questions regarding it?
It's been a while since I watched it and some of your questions are a little tricky, so my answers might be more opinion than fact. ^^;
1. I think she might have wanted to do all that alone and not be like the trophy bride of the person who managed it. That, or she was pissed that he kidnapped and drugged her...
2. Not that I recall, no...
3. Pretty sure that was with the help of his prothetics.
4. Nana was Kurama's adopted daughter since his real daughter was kept locked up because she was so insanely powerful. And yes, the creepy one with a billion vectors was his real daughter.
5. I think he killed himself with his daughter out of guilt and shame for what she had become as well as out of guilt for not killing her sooner, which led to her living a horrible life and killing several people.
6. A lot of that anime was hard to watch, but I can't remember the worst part because whatever it was has been overshadowed by Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.
7. Good question...
8. The saddest part for me was when Lucy killed Kouta's family.
9. It's called %26quot;suspension of disbelief%26quot;. Just go with it. XP
(Though I bet they are also super smart or something, so they might just pick up on things faster than the average person)
10. Uh... I have no clue... :/ Bet he died or something.
11. I think it was so she couldn't see so she'd have more trouble attacking. Or just be calmer. It's been proven that animals and people don't struggle as much when their eyes are covered.
12. It's because the gene isn't as strong in men, so they just turn into carriers (not talking about the people who are touched by a vector. The carriers were born diclonius, but by being male, nothing really happened).
13. He molested her, she ran off. There's nothing more said. If you're an optimist, he was arrested. If you're a pessimist, he raped more little girls.
14. I didn't understand that part, honestly... But I heard that only her horn came off and no other injury came to her.
15. I didn't understand the ending... :/
16. Probably to be 100% sure he escaped and/or show she was a good person. And maybe it was her plan to have them shoot off her horn. Idk...
17. I'd have to say a 7 or an 8 overall. It was good, but there were some slow parts (I almost stopped watching...) and the ending was very confusing (though I tend to like those kinds of endings a little more than the kind that spell everything out).
I have finally watched all of Elfen Lied, now I have some questions regarding it?
I can only answer some of the questions so here it goes!
#2. Most Diclonius die after having their horns taken off.
#4.Nana wasn't his daughter i guess he felt and kind of sentiment towards her.
#6. The puppy scene almost made me cry i thought it was horrible.
#7. The whole intro was a tribute to the painting %26quot;The Kiss%26quot; by Gustav Klimt.
I personally think this is an anime where you have to watch it more than once to understand some of it. I loved this series and it seems that you did too! :)
1. she doesn't need his help to do this or so she claimed.
2. no it is just implied by the results that they lose their power. or could it be one of lucy's tricks.
3. he was near the peak of human ability when he 1st appeared his prosthetics havenot done much his arm is stronger and he has better vision and thats about it.
4. no he acts as her farther to keep her stable and have better control over her and as pennance for killing his real daughter.
5. kurama dies in the final episode of the anime as he cradles Mariko in his arms aftr setting off he bomb in her.
6. no problems for me.
7. no idea
8. nope
9. you learn to speak through passive learning and in the compound they must be taught some stuff because they can act like normal people.
10. he dies protecting mayu from lucy
11. i hink it was used to demonise lucy so people watching it know thats shes evil from the start
12. they are the product of cross breeding between humans and diclonius over time the diclonius blood became very thined by the human blood
13. no idea either left or died
14. cant remember
15. no idea
16. mayby by staying with khotda she gains some humanity or something
17. 10/10