My gf asked me why im shy around other people and basically told me to become more social but idk how?
drink alcohol.
that will make you seem like someone else but it's actually all you.
My gf asked me why im shy around other people and basically told me to become more social but idk how?
Take a course in personal development.
I would try to slowly repeat the social process and become more comfortable to it.
tell your gf you dont like her pressuring you 2 do something that isnt you.
i'm shy too :) but my bf understands this and he's amazing :D
tell her to shut the F@ck up
That's pretty bold of her to demand you to change who you are. A person like that is never good to be with. I would leave her while you still have a chance.
be yourself, dont worry about the critics. but sooner or later in life you will have to learn to be at least a little bit social with strangers. it just seems to be the way things work.
wow shes trying to change u.
eff her!
Behavior in relationships derives from feelings. Your self assessment is that you are shy, especially around other people. I am assuming your girlfriend's assesment of your behavior has more to do with her feelings than yours. There are distinct personality types. I would surmise that you are an Introvert and perhaps your girl friend is an Extrovert. Discuss with her the importance of this issue to her and to you. You can change a specific behavior without changing your personality. This is best achieved with the appropriate motivation. Does she have behaviors that are irksome or bothersome to you? If so, negotiation and compromise are the key that unlocks a successful relationship that works for both of you. It does take %26quot;Two to Tango%26quot;, as it were. There must be give and take on the part of both parties.