Friday, 16 September 2011

Can depression change your personality, even after being cured?

I've been severely depressed some time back, highly suicidal too. But now I've been on drugs for 1 1/2 years, contemplated on how I lived and made a few changes. Now I don't feel depressed all the time anymore nor suicidal.

But I feel as if my personality has undergone drastic changes. I used to be shy as a child, but got over it in my teens and was a highly social person. (I'm now in mid-twenties). But now I cringe at the thought of social interactions and would go out of my way to avoid them. I used to love music and took great pleasure in singing and playing instruments during school concerts. Now I've come to detest music too, and haven't even listened to a song in ages. All I want to do is work and then stay at home with no visitors!

Your thoughts on this?
Can depression change your personality, even after being cured?
If one has a true chemical imbalance which causes depression, it isn't going anywhere. Treatment will always be required for living a somewhat normal life and that's okay. Taking 1 pill every day is sure better than the alternative. If one has clinical depression then yes it is curable as long as one stays away from the causes that started it. There are various reasons for depression and each one must be treated differently according to the individual. When a person has been in a depression for any amount of time, they're growth is interfered with. Stabilizing that will give one a life that is not only different, but new and exciting because one has missed out on so many things.It's like being reborn. The world is new and we can do anything we put our minds to. It is a wonderful thing to not only get ones life back but to be enabled to do so many things we never knew was within us. We can finally mature as we were supposed to, but didn't. What a feeling and field of opportunities available to each and everyone of us. Depression can also be a gift that can take us in a direction we never knew existed.
Can depression change your personality, even after being cured?
Yes, that happened to my best friend. Even though she's not depressed anymore, she still isn't her same bubbly, fun-loving self.
Depression is your personality. It doesn't go away, imo. People say it can be cured but I don't think so.
Sure it can. My friend Pete is 27, and was diagnosed with bipolar when he was 24. He deals very well with it, but he's not the same person as he was before. I sort of miss the old him, but he IS still Pete, so what can you do?
Well, yes and no.

i'll explain:

Depression patients should realize that depression is a chronic illness

just like diabetes or asma.

People experiencing depression feel hopeless. They may have feelings of worthlessness and experience a loss of interest in every-day

activities such as work, hobbies or physical intimacy.

Many factors can provoke depression such as: being out of work,

serious illness, divorce, failing in school or college, loss of a loved one.

Sometimes there is no apparent factor that provoke a depression.

There are many prescription drugs as well as illegal drugs that can

cause depression.

Fortunately, depression is a highly treatable condition.

If you are diagnosed with depression and you take the medications that your doctor prescribes, there is an excellent chance that your depression will fade away, like a bad dream.

Scientific studies have determined that antidepressants work best

when they are combined with counseling, such as seeing a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other health professional regularly.

It is essential that depressed people who are on medication do not

discontinue taking their medication even when they feel great.

You need to take your medications religiously every day regardless of

how you feel.

If you discontinue taking your medications without the advice and

approval of your doctor, there is a good chance that you will fall into

a tailspin and become depressed again, possibly severely, and the

medicines may take longer to work.

Antidepressants are powerful drugs and should never be taken without

a doctor's prescription. You don't want to self treat depression (even

if you are a doctor!!!!) because the consequences could be disastrous.

Still, it's my personal advise, based in some medical articles i use to read in some medical and health magazines, books and publisihings.

I'm not a professional and this opinion can't be taken as infalible.
I think they have waving.

I don't want to say that means depression will never be cured perfectly.

It may well be changed circumstances sometimes and try to forget nasty thoughts.

I hope you get well.