I am asking in relation to a college project based on identity and how single changes or events can change who we are. Thank you for your time and help!
Could you name one or more event in your life that changed your character/personality?
Yes, I have always been extremely short sighted and suffered agonies of low self esteem during my childhood and early teens, because of the thickness of the lenses in my specs. At 18 I finally had enough money to switch to contact lenses and within a couple of weeks I was like a different person; I had the confidence to go out more, and I even got a boyfriend! I know appearance shouldn't matter to the exclusion of personality, and now I'm older it doesn't - in fact I quite often choose to wear my glasses now instead of contacts, but that small event in my late teens changed me enough to influence my whole life!
Could you name one or more event in your life that changed your character/personality?
I got fired from a job for the first time, after 20 years of working for various companies. It made me realize that I needed to take a hard look at why the same sorts of problems had followed me throughout my work life. I finally recognized that I was the common denominator and that if I wanted my life to go differently I needed to start behaving differently. It was difficult, and I frequently fail, but it has been ongoing for several years now so I think it qualifies as a bona fide change.
I've always found relationships to be the most life-changing experience - whether it be a relationship between two individuals, with a 'god', or with yourself. They are the things that make you analyse your life, your goals and your philosophies and lead towards the changes you make to become the person you are and want to be.
Yes there are two definite ones but I am 16 so I guess they could be called growing up:
1) I never really had mega self confidence but I was happy to dance on stage etc I am tiny for my age and always have been. When I was 13 I went to a summer school and because I looked about 10 I was asked to perform with a national ballet company as I could play a small child but dance with technical difficulty of a teenager. So after this I started to gain weight as I approached puberty, it shocked me and I dropped down to 34kg when my height was 151cm. I was ill and I had zero self esteem, then as I was so weak I injured my knee and I have had to cut down to dancing once per week and no more pointe shoes:( but now I have gained too much and I am 55kg but same height, I am now shy and I never were tight or loud clothing as I no longer happy with the way I look but I am a stronger person as I will NEVER let myself get so sick ever again.
2) my mum got cancer and I now have the role of parent so I am not as social as I can't go out with friends etc so again I am more shy.
Yes rheumatoid arthritis changed me from being happy go lucky gal into a depressed person with an eating disorder 7 yrs on and i'm still depressed
be a cadet
special someone i love
specially my self.if i want to change, then i change.
when one faces a new crowd he/she automatically changes...