Friday, 16 September 2011

Does weed really change your personality?

So I have a good friend that has been off and on with her boyfriend for a few years now. They finally seem better than ever, the catch is they are smoking a few times a day together. I mean she use to every now and then and he didn't really before. Every time we hangout with them they are already high and sneak off at least once to smoke again. I am just wondering if that may have anything to do with how happy they are together like whether it helps them stand each other and forget about their real problems. I don't want to judge and assume they are only happy because of that I'm just curious.
Does weed really change your personality?
The active chemical in Weed that makes you high is thc. thc is a depressent. No, it does not change personality per say, but it slows down metabolism and releases endorphins. if people are fighting out of boredom, and general angst, then majiuana can assuage that. But there are many more effective things that would have the excact same reaction. If they ran together, they would get adequete amount of endorphines and would have less energy afterwards to fight. These things = content, bliss, euphoria. Weed changes brain chemistry not physiology.
Does weed really change your personality?
Doubtful, smoking pot causes paranoia and other psychological effects. I worked in a place once where this guy, a pot smoker had a girlfriend who was smoking it heavy. She would phone him during work about 20 times and leave threatening messages which he would show us. He eventually got the sack.
Mind becomes dull by having such practices. Mind will not be sharp, steady or stable.
Yes it does.
well marijuana tipically makes people a lot more chill and care-free, she may start not aring about a lot of things and your reationship may cripple
From personal experience, it does change people. Yes, it may make the person happy while they are high and around the time they smoke, but my brother has smoked pot for about 3 years and he may not get angry that easy, but when he does, he completely flips out and threatens to kill people. (never did that before) he also has horrible memory loss, he cant remember something you said to him 30 seconds ago. We have to repeat everything to him at least 3 times before it registers in his brain. Now he cant hold down a job. Lesson to all you kids out there: DONT DO DRUGS!
I think they're just covering up the issues that they have together. My girlfriend and I did the same thing. It doesn't make anything go away, just temporarily makes you care less about things that bother you. It will eventually catch up to them.
All people who do drugs or alcohol regularly stop maturing emotionally. I see it in many friends I have because of a longer time frame than you do.
Ultimately it cannot change their personalities, but the shared experience may be enough to hold their relationship together. So, once they stop (which they most likely will, in time) they won't be able to stand each other again.
It can do this in a 'cause %26amp; effect' cycle.

No job, so smoke to pass the time. Can't get up to look for work cause too hung over. No job, so smoke some weed ...I've seen it happen.

I used to smoke a 'little', to enjoy the experience and the music. I'd smoke 1/10 of a joint and have enough. The rest of the guys would smoke everything there was available, getting totally wrecked. To me, that was a total WASTE of what can be a good use for it.

But that was many years ago. Stronger stuff now, I understand, far more 'potent' and far more 'Dangerous' and with greater effects in the deficit sides of things.

It can make you paranoid (I experienced that for a time), and it can create what appears to be deep introspection, where the person really cannot communicate on a meaningful level. 'Independence' ~ it can become 'dependency' too.
