Whenever you notice yourself engaged in a behavior that you want to change, acknowledge that you're doing it, realize why your doing it and focus on remembering not to do it. It may seem useless at first but after a while it makes a difference. And the more you do it, the easier it gets. I've used this to overcome everything from prejudices to listening skills.
How did you change the things you wanted to change about your personality?
I have had soooo many ups and downs in life that changing myself was the only way to survive in live on earth.
How did you change the things you wanted to change about your personality?
I really get pissed at people for just really small things. But, i stopped that by being more nice to people, and keeping all my thoughts inside =). But, anyways. You shouldn't change your personality at all. Maybe people like you the way you are, most of the time. IT depends if it is something positive and worth it, then you can change if you want to.
basically? sheer will power. I put up a list next to my bed, looked at it every morning and night, and then analyzed how I was doing. It really worked!
Remember why it's important to you. Take small steps and try to think of your reasons often.