Friday 7 October 2011

What is your Moon Sign and how do you feel about your Moon Sign as far as your Personality goes?

The Moon Sign is highly indicative of the Personality, NOT the character...we can change our personalities, but NOT our basic Character.....What might your thoughts on this be? Not my theory or actually the theory of millions, but in particular to how your Moon Sign affects you and what you do if things go perhaps awry? Or if they are good? The floor is open here.......please have fun with this...I have to laugh at myself too people....

Thanks in Advance!

What is your Moon Sign and how do you feel about your Moon Sign as far as your Personality goes?
I have a Capricorn Moon, and I%26#039;m quite frankly FED UP with it. I HATE IT. And I%26#039;m trying to figure out how I can deal with overcoming all the drawbacks it gives me. My Sun sign is a Fire sign, and My Capricorn Moon is always getting in the way, I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT! I%26#039;m so frustrated... gaaahh!!

To answer your question though, if things are going well for me, I%26#039;m always afraid something will RANDOMLY come in and ruin it all...

And if things are going bad, I can get really... down, dark and a heavy pain to be around. I HATE MY CAPRICORN MOON!!
What is your Moon Sign and how do you feel about your Moon Sign as far as your Personality goes?
lol Thank you! I%26#039;m actually going through a really serious time right now, and you put a little smile on my face. =) Thanks a lot. =)

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I%26#039;m Pisces Sun with Virgo moon...I found that out a few days ago and I realised that I DO have good analytical skills, if I may say so myself...also I tend to be very practical outwardly...

I believe in astrology a good amount, and also in the Moon thing ever since I discovered my own, although I have not been able to check it for anyone else yet.
My moon sign is Leo.. ugh lol!
My moon is Capricorn. It doesn%26#039;t sit well with my Aquarian sun!

I am friendly, and gregarious at times, a lot of the time I can be seen as aloof (Capricorn reserve and shyness showing there)!

I am cautious, and tend to make only calculated risks.

As I said I can be friendly at other times, though if anyone becomes too close I tend to pull away; I think that is both the Aquarian need for freedom and the Capricorn reserve and cautiousness coming out there.

I guess my moon gives me reasonably good analytical skills. I don%26#039;t suffer form the stereotypical %26#039;snobiness%26#039; that Capricorn is famous for, but then I think my Sun, and ascendant come into play there, and i am very forgiving of others quirks and foibles.

I do strive to become successful, and can be quite thrifty.

Interesting question!
I have a Pisces moon, and I can be very deep sometimes, and think very mystical. My sun and rising are leo. This helps me to handle things a lot better when it comes, to emotions. I come across very strong, and very good at hiding emotions, but deep down, I can hurt a lot.
I am a Cap, Aries rising and Libra moon.

Two forceful signs with a balance in the middle

What does that make of me?

I too am curious
Libra Sun, Cancer Moon....

I cry. I cry a lot. That%26#039;s the solution to any problem in my book. Once the shell on my Moon is cracked, there%26#039;s no hiding my vulnerabilities. I have Moon square Sun and Mars, so I might try to hide my feelings by fighting, particularly verbally. I might scream, I might act like I don%26#039;t care, I might try to justify the situation, but unless I%26#039;m in a situation that requires me to hide my true self, I%26#039;ll cry.

My Moon annoys me at times...Why should I be so darn sensitive? My airy Sun/Rising/Mercury/Mars don%26#039;t like it. They want to move on and not be tied down by petty insecurities. However, Cancer Moon is scarred and needs time to vent. It wants attachment, love, to be nurtured, yet my personality is one that prefers good distance between people. It%26#039;s a struggle, really.

If I%26#039;m happy, then I%26#039;m happy. I%26#039;m generally not too emotional unless I%26#039;m hurt, which is what makes my Moon a little bit selfish. I%26#039;m very good at listening and understanding the problems of others though.

Why can%26#039;t we change our character? Is that true? I feel that I can be anything I want....Or maybe I%26#039;m just getting defensive. Lol.
Gemini Sun Cap moon... I feel like I have a few people living inside me. As a child I was bubbly and friendly

As a teenager withdrawn and distance and then there was the clash of both elements trying to run the show after high school.

Now in my mid 20, they are finally trying to mesh... I%26#039;m a mess though, my insides don%26#039;t agree with my outside.

I wanna be friendly but then want my space at the same time.

I wanna be focused but wanna be free.

I wanna be a rebel but also feel it is right to respect the structure.

It doesn%26#039;t show cause I can play it cool. I look like I know what I%26#039;m doing and I do, but I also kinda don%26#039;t (want to)...

I wanna fly but I am grounded and have to drag some parts of myself along. I am in half flight!
Double capricorn and my moon sign is Pisces..

Strong tendencies towards a creative imagination. May be a bit too sensitive at times! Try not to take everything so personally. Friends are in awe of your ability to know what others think and feel before they do. This helps you to be more compassionate and adds fuel to your fantasies. It is best not to believe everything that you see or hear.

** I am most definitely too sensitive at times, this can be ok , but more often it%26#039;s not..I have learned to temper this, but like Terry CLark says...sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry..sometimes I do both and I don%26#039;t know why...I am an Emotional Girl! I have had this empathy/compassion thing going since was %26#039;unnerving%26#039; until I got older and understood it.

The Positive Traits:






I am definitely all of these..I definitely have an overactive imagination, which is kind of fun..especially when you combine that with blonde ;-)

Visionary, I suppose I have always seen %26#039;big picture%26#039; things ,even when it%26#039;s not neccessarily appropriate. Compassionate and intuitive; almost to the point of being psychic. Numinous..I actually had to look this word up, lol. It fits (especially that fact that I did not know the definition of the word! =) ). I have fought being spiritual my whole life b/c of strong negative feelings about my catholic upbringing (nothing traumatic, just didn%26#039;t buy the whole hypocracy %26amp; don%26#039;t believe in god). But, I am realizing that spirituality is a whole different thing and I%26#039;m far more spiritual than I ever gave credit for..and finally getting comfortable with that.

The Negative Traits:

Escapism -maybe, I love adventure, really love it..maybe that%26#039;s escapism to a degre

Castle-builder-I%26#039;m not sure what they mean by that..but I do feel strongly about my home being comfortable and me (and yes, I%26#039;m spoiled with creature comforts)

Overly emotional -you have no idea , lol..very much so

Fluctuation-I was the queen of vascillation..not so much anymore, but I think it%26#039;s just in my nature to be I%26#039;m more decisive (but still flexible)

Confusion-lmao..can you say blonde?? One of my favorite old boss at GM, years ago..I was puzzling over some technical stuff and had reams of paper spread in front of me, reading a hex dump..and I mutter...%26quot;I%26#039;m so confused...%26quot;...right as my boss walked up and he didn%26#039;t miss a beat..%26quot;Who told you??%26quot;. We both laughed our butts off and that still will make me bust out laughing today (that was 20+ years ago). I love being able to laught at myself!

Have a great day, you%26#039;re welcome! K =)
My moon sign is Sag. I agree w/ it defintley! It totally matches me as oppose 2 my sun sign!
I%26#039;m an Aquarius moon with Libra sun. The biggest trait I notice is how I truly need my space and freedom from the closest people in my life. I must be able to accomplish and finish my everday tasks in my personal life without anyone getting in my way. If someone close to me becomes an obstacle from me accomplishing what I want to do, I become frustrated or annoyed. I sometimes get worried. I tend to think of the worst and worry alot, if it turns out that I cannot do what I planned to do for myself. (Many times, I don%26#039;t confront my family or closest people to me about how I feel though. Sometimes, I hold in my words to avoid conflict or an argument, but I put this in parenthesis because I know this trait of mine pertains more to my Libra sun.) What else?..... I do worry about my family%26#039;s problems as well; whether it be financial, physical or emotional problems. I put alot of thought into their problems and I tend to want to help them out and solve their problems. Also, I give alot of freedom to people close to me.